Saville explores lives of vendors at the Ramona Flea Market in Jacksonville, Florida. While all carry vastly different personalities, originate from diverse countries and offer varying products and services, they share similarities in the ritualistic bond they have formed both with the market and one another. Monetary profit drove most to embark on their contributions to the flea market, but it is the experience itself which has likely encouraged many to maintain this weekend routine. While an agreement is made to rent one's space in the flea market, the vendors are largely self-governed and allowed the rare freedom and confidence to somewhat independently operate their own business. Earnings and customers fluctuate from week to week, but the general experience remains consistent, comfortable and predictable - as though time stands still. Rather than competing against one another, vendors form strong connections with their neighbors and are eager to offer support when needed. The consumerism-driven flea market curiously maintains the positive aspects of a community while lacking many negative aspects of consumerism. Images made with Mamiya RB67 on Kodak Portra 120 film